MirGeneDB 3.0

6 Dasypus novemcinctus microRNA genes of family MIR-181 (all species)
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MirGeneDB ID MiRBase ID Family Seed 5p accession 3p accession Chromosome Start End Strand Node of origin (locus) Node of origin (family) 3' NTU  UG  UGUG CNNC To
Dno-Mir-181-P1a dno-mir-181a-1 MIR-181 ACAUUCA MIMAT0047689 MIMAT0047690 JH567838 1939739 1939800 + Gnathostomata Vertebrata No 1
Dno-Mir-181-P1b dno-mir-181a-2 MIR-181 ACAUUCA MIMAT0047689 MIMAT0047691 JH568938 1612852 1612911 - Gnathostomata Vertebrata No 1
Dno-Mir-181-P1c dno-mir-181c MIR-181 ACAUUCA MIMAT0047695 MIMAT0047696 JH578493 21926 21986 + Gnathostomata Vertebrata No 1
Dno-Mir-181-P2a dno-mir-181b-1 MIR-181 ACAUUCA MIMAT0047692 MIMAT0047693 JH567838 1939923 1939983 + Gnathostomata Vertebrata Yes
Dno-Mir-181-P2b dno-mir-181b-2 MIR-181 ACAUUCA MIMAT0047692 MIMAT0047694 JH568938 1611595 1611654 - Gnathostomata Vertebrata Unknown 1
Dno-Mir-181-P2c dno-mir-181d MIR-181 ACAUUCA MIMAT0047697 MIMAT0047698 JH578493 22107 22165 + Gnathostomata Vertebrata Unknown 1

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