MirGeneDB 3.0

5 Limulus polyphemus microRNA genes with seed UAUUGCU (all species)
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MirGeneDB ID MiRBase ID Family Seed 5p accession 3p accession Chromosome Start End Strand Node of origin (locus) Node of origin (family) 3' NTU  UG  UGUG CNNC Ge Ge So So So To
Lpo-Mir-137-P16 None MIR-137 UAUUGCU None None NW_013670289.1 3320 3378 - L. polyphemus Bilateria No 1
Lpo-Mir-137-P17 None MIR-137 UAUUGCU None None NW_013742656.1 2534 2592 - L. polyphemus Bilateria No 1
Lpo-Mir-137-P18 None MIR-137 UAUUGCU None None NW_013665870.1 589199 589257 - L. polyphemus Bilateria No 1
Lpo-Mir-137-P19 None MIR-137 UAUUGCU None None NW_013667160.1 138003 138060 - L. polyphemus Bilateria No 1
Lpo-Mir-137-P20 None MIR-137 UAUUGCU None None NW_013826396.1 113 171 - L. polyphemus Bilateria No 1

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