MirGeneDB 3.0

4 Xenopus laevis microRNA genes of family MIR-128 (all species)
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MirGeneDB ID MiRBase ID Family Seed 5p accession 3p accession Chromosome Start End Strand Node of origin (locus) Node of origin (family) 3' NTU  UG  UGUG CNNC Eg Em Em He Ki Re St St
Xla-Mir-128-P1a None MIR-128 CACAGUG None None NC_030734.1 64275444 64275501 + X. laevis Vertebrata No 1 1
Xla-Mir-128-P1b None MIR-128 CACAGUG None None NC_030735.1 55536815 55536872 - X. laevis Vertebrata No 1 1
Xla-Mir-128-P2c xla-mir-128-1 MIR-128 CACAGUG MIMAT0046440 MIMAT0046439 NC_030740.1 51150867 51150923 + X. laevis Vertebrata No 1 1
Xla-Mir-128-P2d xla-mir-128-2 MIR-128 CACAGUG MIMAT0046438 MIMAT0046439 NC_030741.1 46578438 46578494 + X. laevis Vertebrata No 1 1

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