MirGeneDB 3.0

8 Branchiostoma floridae microRNA genes of family MIR-92 (all species)
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MirGeneDB ID MiRBase ID Family Seed 5p accession 3p accession Chromosome Start End Strand Node of origin (locus) Node of origin (family) 3' NTU  UG  UGUG CNNC To
Bfl-Mir-92-o1 None MIR-92 AUUGCAC None None NC_049981.1 15364646 15364704 + Branchiostoma Bilateria No 1
Bfl-Mir-92-o2 bfl-mir-92a-1 MIR-92 AUUGCAC None MIMAT0009478 NC_049981.1 15365141 15365198 + Branchiostoma Bilateria No 1
Bfl-Mir-92-o3 bfl-mir-92c MIR-92 AUUGCAC None MIMAT0010010 NC_049981.1 13639020 13639073 + Branchiostoma Bilateria No 1 1
Bfl-Mir-92-o4 bfl-mir-92b MIR-92 AUUGCAC MIMAT0019143 MIMAT0009479 NC_049981.1 13639441 13639502 + Branchiostoma Bilateria No 1
Bfl-Mir-92-o5 None MIR-92 AUUGCUC None None NC_049979.1 12400671 12400726 - Branchiostoma Bilateria Unknown 1
Bfl-Mir-92-o6 bfl-mir-92d MIR-92 AUUGCAC MIMAT0020079 None NC_049979.1 12400557 12400617 - Branchiostoma Bilateria No 1 1
Bfl-Mir-92-o7 bfl-mir-2059 MIR-92 AAGGCAA MIMAT0019168 MIMAT0009985 NC_049994.1 4472650 4472707 + Branchiostoma Bilateria Unknown 1 1
Bfl-Mir-92-o8 bfl-mir-2063 MIR-92 AUUGCAC None MIMAT0009989 NC_049986.1 9122708 9122772 + Branchiostoma Bilateria No 1 1

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