MirGeneDB 3.0

5 Danio rerio microRNA genes of family MIR-24 (all species)
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MirGeneDB ID MiRBase ID Family Seed 5p accession 3p accession Chromosome Start End Strand Node of origin (locus) Node of origin (family) 3' NTU  UG  UGUG CNNC Br Br Em Ey Gu Gu He Li Li Ov Te
Dre-Mir-24-P1 dre-mir-24b MIR-24 GGCUCAG MIMAT0048662 MIMAT0048663 chr2 33905775 33905834 + Gnathostomata Vertebrata Yes
Dre-Mir-24-P2a dre-mir-24-1 MIR-24 GGCUCAG None MIMAT0001792 chr10 15960847 15960904 + Clupeocephala Vertebrata Yes 1
Dre-Mir-24-P2b dre-mir-24-3 MIR-24 GGCUCAG None MIMAT0001792 chr8 30162533 30162590 - Clupeocephala Vertebrata Yes 1
Dre-Mir-24-P3 dre-mir-24-2 MIR-24 GGCUCAG None MIMAT0001792 chr3 13412992 13413050 + Gnathostomata Vertebrata Yes 1
Dre-Mir-24-P4a dre-mir-24-4 MIR-24 GGCUCAG None MIMAT0001792 chr22 5307502 5307561 + Clupeocephala Vertebrata Yes 1

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