MirGeneDB 3.0

4 Gadus morhua microRNA genes of family MIR-221 (all species)
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MirGeneDB ID MiRBase ID Family Seed 5p accession 3p accession Chromosome Start End Strand Node of origin (locus) Node of origin (family) 3' NTU  UG  UGUG CNNC Br Gi He In Li Sk Sp Wh
Gmo-Mir-221-P1a1 gmo-mir-222-2 MIR-221 GCUACAU MIMAT0044030 MIMAT0044031 contig337589 317 378 + Clupeocephala Vertebrata No 1
Gmo-Mir-221-P1a2 gmo-mir-222-1 MIR-221 GCUACAU MIMAT0044326 MIMAT0044031 scaffold00071 21723 21784 + Clupeocephala Vertebrata No 1 1
Gmo-Mir-221-P2a1 gmo-mir-221-1 MIR-221 GCUACAU MIMAT0044032 MIMAT0044022 contig337589 767 830 + Clupeocephala Vertebrata No 1
Gmo-Mir-221-P2a2 gmo-mir-221-2 MIR-221 GCUACAU MIMAT0044021 MIMAT0044022 contig307202 158 220 - Clupeocephala Vertebrata No 1 1

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