MirGeneDB 3.0

9 microRNA genes of family MIR-12532
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MirGeneDB ID MiRBase ID Family Seed 5p accession 3p accession Chromosome Start End Strand Node of origin (locus) Node of origin (family) 3' NTU  UG  UGUG CNNC
Esc-Mir-12532-v1 None MIR-12532 CCGCGAU None None None None None None Coleoidea Coleoidea No
Obi-Mir-12532-v1 None MIR-12532 CCGCGAU None None KQ418194 2425999 2426059 - Coleoidea Coleoidea No
Ovu-Mir-12532-v1 None MIR-12532 ACGAACA None None RXHP01029033.1 2110 2168 + Coleoidea Coleoidea No
Esc-Mir-12532-v2 None MIR-12532 UCCGCGA None None None None None None Coleoidea Coleoidea No
Obi-Mir-12532-v2 None MIR-12532 UCCGCGA None None KQ418194 2426000 2426058 - Coleoidea Coleoidea No
Ovu-Mir-12532-v2 None MIR-12532 UCCGCGA None None RXHP01029033.1 2111 2167 + Coleoidea Coleoidea No
Esc-Mir-12532-v3 None MIR-12532 GUACGAA None None None None None None Coleoidea Coleoidea No
Obi-Mir-12532-v3 None MIR-12532 AUCCGCG None None KQ418194 2426001 2426057 - Coleoidea Coleoidea No
Ovu-Mir-12532-v3 None MIR-12532 AUCCGCG None None RXHP01029033.1 2112 2166 + Coleoidea Coleoidea No

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