MirGeneDB 3.0

72 Wirenia argentea microRNA genes
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MirGeneDB ID MiRBase ID Family Seed 5p accession 3p accession Chromosome Start End Strand Node of origin (locus) Node of origin (family) 3' NTU  UG  UGUG CNNC So
War-Bantam None BANTAM GAGAUCA None None WNLI01153432.1 373 429 - Protostomia Protostomia No 1
War-Let-7 None LET-7 GAGGUAG None None WNLI01091485.1 935 1001 + Bilateria Bilateria No
War-Mir-1 None MIR-1 GGAAUGU None None WNLI01166004.1 485 543 + Bilateria Bilateria No 1
War-Mir-2-P12 None MIR-2 AUCACAG None None WNLI01003363.1 16105 16164 + Lophotrochozoa Protostomia No
War-Mir-2-o93 None MIR-2 CACAGCC None None WNLI01003363.1 15447 15507 + W. argentea Protostomia No 1
War-Mir-2-o94 None MIR-2 AUCACAG None None WNLI01003363.1 16422 16484 + W. argentea Protostomia Unknown 1
War-Mir-2-o95 None MIR-2 AUCACAG None None WNLI01003363.1 17073 17130 + W. argentea Protostomia No 1
War-Mir-2-o96 None MIR-2 AUCACAG None None WNLI01003363.1 17457 17517 + W. argentea Protostomia Unknown 1
War-Mir-2-o97 None MIR-2 AUCACAG None None WNLI01003363.1 17735 17794 + W. argentea Protostomia No 1
War-Mir-2-o98 None MIR-2 AUCACAG None None WNLI01082317.1 1602 1658 + W. argentea Protostomia No 1
War-Mir-2-o99 None MIR-2 AUCACAG None None WNLI01082317.1 2162 2221 + W. argentea Protostomia Unknown 1
War-Mir-7 None MIR-7 GGAAGAC None None WNLI01155873.1 767 827 - Bilateria Bilateria No 1
War-Mir-8 None MIR-8 AAUACUG None None WNLI01078405.1 251 313 + Bilateria Bilateria No 1
War-Mir-9 None MIR-9 CUUUGGU None None WNLI01165372.1 1191 1252 + Bilateria Bilateria No 1
War-Mir-10-P1 None MIR-10 ACCCUGU None None WNLI01034324.1 581 638 + Bilateria Eumetazoa Unknown 1
War-Mir-10-P2s None MIR-10 ACCCGUA None None WNLI01223156.1 390 445 + Bilateria Eumetazoa Unknown 1 1
War-Mir-10-P2t None MIR-10 ACCCGUA None None WNLI01226779.1 6294 6349 - Bilateria Eumetazoa Unknown 1 1
War-Mir-10-P3 None MIR-10 CCCUGAG None None WNLI01163645.1 853 912 + Bilateria Eumetazoa Unknown 1
War-Mir-10-P5 None MIR-10 UACCCUG None None WNLI01219446.1 1563 1623 - Lophotrochozoa Eumetazoa No 1 1
War-Mir-10-P6 None MIR-10 UUACCCU None None WNLI01106048.1 3757 3815 + Neotrochozoa Eumetazoa Unknown 1 1
War-Mir-12 None MIR-12 GAGUAUU None None WNLI01070436.1 9566 9623 - Protostomia Protostomia No 1 1
War-Mir-22-P1 None MIR-22 GCUGCCU None None WNLI01106961.1 721 778 - Bilateria Bilateria No 1 1
War-Mir-22-P2 None MIR-22 AGCUGCC None None WNLI01171902.1 2586 2643 + Bilateria Bilateria Unknown 1
War-Mir-29-P1 None MIR-29 AGCACCA None None WNLI01202579.1 425 486 - Bilateria Bilateria No 1
War-Mir-29-P2 None MIR-29 AGCACCA None None WNLI01191478.1 2951 3008 + Bilateria Bilateria No 1
War-Mir-31 None MIR-31 GGCAAGA None None WNLI01148837.1 328 387 - Bilateria Bilateria Unknown 1 1
War-Mir-33 None MIR-33 UGCAUUG None None WNLI01189098.1 296 353 - Bilateria Bilateria Unknown 1
War-Mir-34 None MIR-34 GGCAGUG None None WNLI01171596.1 1551 1608 + Bilateria Bilateria Unknown 1
War-Mir-36 None MIR-36 CACCGGG None None WNLI01006131.1 1144 1203 - Protostomia Protostomia Unknown 1
War-Mir-67-v1 None MIR-67 CACAACC None None WNLI01147442.1 1826 1883 - Protostomia Protostomia No 1
War-Mir-67-v2 None MIR-67 ACAACCU None None WNLI01147442.1 1826 1883 - Protostomia Protostomia No 1 1
War-Mir-71 None MIR-71 GAAAGAC None None WNLI01003363.1 14091 14149 + Bilateria Bilateria No 1 1
War-Mir-76 None MIR-76 UCGUUGU None None WNLI01147130.1 2725 2781 + Bilateria Bilateria No 1
War-Mir-87-o29 None MIR-87 UGAGCAA None None WNLI01038430.1 816 873 - Aculifera Protostomia No 1 1
War-Mir-96-P1 None MIR-96 UUGGCAC None None WNLI01176662.1 5420 5478 + Bilateria Bilateria Unknown 1
War-Mir-96-P2 None MIR-96 UUGGCAC None None WNLI01036778.1 157 216 - Bilateria Bilateria Unknown 1
War-Mir-96-P3 None MIR-96 AUGGCAC None None WNLI01004405.1 1535 1590 + Bilateria Bilateria Unknown 1
War-Mir-124 None MIR-124 AAGGCAC None None WNLI01184583.1 3460 3518 - Bilateria Bilateria No 1 1
War-Mir-133 None MIR-133 UGGUCCC None None WNLI01051068.1 3075 3133 - Bilateria Bilateria No 1 1
War-Mir-137 None MIR-137 UAUUGCU None None WNLI01046145.1 182 241 + Bilateria Bilateria No 1
War-Mir-153 None MIR-153 UGCAUAG None None WNLI01193761.1 243 300 - Bilateria Bilateria No 1 1
War-Mir-184 None MIR-184 GGACGGA None None WNLI01039505.1 1032 1089 + Bilateria Bilateria No 1
War-Mir-190 None MIR-190 GAUAUGU None None WNLI01222996.1 146 205 + Bilateria Bilateria Unknown 1 1
War-Mir-193-P1 None MIR-193 ACUGGCU None None WNLI01156864.1 2079 2136 - Bilateria Bilateria No 1 1 1
War-Mir-210 None MIR-210 UGUGCGU None None WNLI01229766.1 1482 1539 + Bilateria Bilateria No 1
War-Mir-216-P1 None MIR-216 AAUAUCA None None WNLI01147994.1 3874 3930 + Bilateria Bilateria Unknown 1
War-Mir-216-P2c None MIR-216 AAUCUCA None None WNLI01040026.1 1269 1327 - Lophotrochozoa Bilateria Unknown 1 1
War-Mir-219 None MIR-219 GAACUGU None None WNLI01226381.1 1344 1401 + Bilateria Bilateria No 1
War-Mir-242 None MIR-242 UGCGUAG None None WNLI01179040.1 349 410 + Bilateria Bilateria Unknown 1 1
War-Mir-252-P1 None MIR-252 UAAGUAG None None WNLI01179893.1 143 201 - Bilateria Bilateria Unknown 1
War-Mir-252-P2 None MIR-252 UAAGUAC None None WNLI01114357.1 185 242 + Bilateria Bilateria Unknown 1
War-Mir-277 None MIR-277 AAAUGCA None None WNLI01047893.1 4374 4435 - Protostomia Protostomia No 1
War-Mir-278 None MIR-278 CGGUGGG None None WNLI01004250.1 6007 6064 - Bilateria Bilateria No 1
War-Mir-279-P14 None MIR-279 GACUAGA None None WNLI01184984.1 4434 4492 - W. argentea Protostomia No 1
War-Mir-279-P15 None MIR-279 GACUAGA None None WNLI01001976.1 3385 3443 - W. argentea Protostomia No 1
War-Mir-279-P16 None MIR-279 GACUAGA None None WNLI01216434.1 1189 1247 - W. argentea Protostomia No 1
War-Mir-281 None MIR-281 GUCAUGG None None WNLI01152175.1 730 787 - Bilateria Bilateria No 1
War-Mir-315 None MIR-315 UUUGAUU None None WNLI01031030.1 1319 1376 + Bilateria Bilateria Unknown 1
War-Mir-317 None MIR-317 GAACACA None None WNLI01164283.1 2971 3026 + Protostomia Protostomia Unknown 1
War-Mir-375 None MIR-375 UUGUUCG None None WNLI01186820.1 66 122 - Bilateria Bilateria No 1 1
War-Mir-750 None MIR-750 CAGAUCU None None WNLI01054266.1 3637 3698 + Protostomia Protostomia No
War-Mir-1175 None MIR-1175 GAGAUUC None None WNLI01164667.1 3247 3308 - Protostomia Protostomia No 1
War-Mir-1986 None MIR-1986 GGAUUUC None None WNLI01091395.1 647 704 - Lophotrochozoa Lophotrochozoa No 1 1
War-Mir-1990-P1 None MIR-1990 CGGGACU None None WNLI01031899.1 4830 4889 + Lophotrochozoa Lophotrochozoa No 1
War-Mir-1990-P2 None MIR-1990 GUAAGUU None None WNLI01031899.1 8850 8906 + Lophotrochozoa Lophotrochozoa No 1
War-Mir-1992 None MIR-1992 CAGCAGU None None WNLI01150749.1 2727 2787 + Platytrochozoa Platytrochozoa No 1 1 1
War-Mir-1993 None MIR-1993 AUUAUGC None None WNLI01018098.1 340 399 - Protostomia Protostomia No
War-Mir-1994-P1 None MIR-1994 GAGACAG None None WNLI01162709.1 1348 1407 - Mollusca Lophotrochozoa No 1
War-Mir-1994-P2 None MIR-1994 GAGACAG None None WNLI01162709.1 675 731 - Mollusca Lophotrochozoa No 1
War-Mir-2001 None MIR-2001 UGUGACC None None WNLI01179893.1 684 742 - Bilateria Bilateria Unknown 1
War-Mir-12590-P1a None MIR-12590 CUGGCGG None None WNLI01097433.1 902 962 + W. argentea Aculifera No 1
War-Mir-12590-P1b None MIR-12590 CUGGCGG None None WNLI01159055.1 2682 2742 + W. argentea Aculifera No 1 1

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